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Northwestern School of Communication


Featured Courses

Basic Acting (THEATRE 171-0)

What does it mean to act? What does it mean to create a character? What does it mean to "be in the moment" and be responsive to your scene partners, the world around you, and the world inside you? Using exercises, outside assignments, observation of life, and improvisation students are introduced to basic principles of turning the written word into action. 

Design Process: Costume (THEATRE 221-2)

Through the coursework and in-class presentations students learn the steps to the design process for a costume designer for theatre. They become familiar with how to approach a script from the perspective of a costume designer, and generate ideas based on visual and written research that will be presented in a visual format. 

Theatre Orchestration, Orchestration (THEATRE 357-0)

Theatre Orchestration is an accelerated class in instrumentation, arranging, orchestration, and creative musical design. The class explores the history of theatre orchestration, using the analysis of past exemplary orchestrations to inform each student's study and practical application of orchestration technique for the stage.