Annual Events
Explore some of the annual celebrations, events and milestones that SoC students experience each year.
School-wide Celebrations
School of Communication Convocation
In June, Dean E. Patrick Johnson hosts a convocation ceremony for School of Communication undergraduates and graduate students in the MS SLL Program and AuD Clinical Doctorate Program.
This School of Communications ceremony is in addition to the all-University Commencement ceremony.
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Annual Performances
Each year, SoC students put on dozens of shows, including these annual performance traditions.

Senior Dance Concert
The final project of senior dance majors and minors is choreographed, produced and performed by students under the guidance of dance faculty advisors. The concert concludes the seniors’ undergraduate studies and introduces their work to the professional dance community.

Performance Hours
Each year the Performance Studies department sponsors three or four “performance hours” featuring faculty- or student-directed work; and three “performance hours” developed by students in the freshman-level introductory course.

Dolphin Show
As the largest student-produced musical in the country, the Dolphin Show works on one musical per year. The show puts together a Broadway level professional show, performed at the end of the year.

Waa-Mu Show
NU’s oldest musical tradition takes place in The Waa-Mu Show. Over 150 undergraduate students combine to create an original musical every year.
Networking and Career Events
NU Faces
The annual NU Faces, previously known as the Chicago Showcase, is an opportunity for graduating seniors to audition for an audience of casting directors, agents and other invited guests.
Writer’s Panel
Each year the School of Communication, in collaboration with the MFA in Writing for the Screen + Stage Program, hosts a Writer’s Panel featuring notable Northwestern Alumni as well as influential writers from around the country
Acting & Musical Theatre Showcase
This annual showcase held each spring and features a select group of theatre and music theatre students. Students perform for an invited audience of New York talent agents and casting directors in the hope of making contacts for their professional careers.
In addition to these annual events, EPICS (External Programs, Internships and Career Services) offers trainings, networking events and workshops throughout the year.