Claus-Peter Richter is a professor in the Roxelyn and Richard Pepper Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. He also holds appointments in the Feinberg School of Medicine, as an associate professor in otolaryngology, and the McCormick School, as an associate professor in biomedical engineering. Richter's primary research interests are the development and improvement of cochlear implant electrodes and the micromechanics of the mammalian cochlea. He investigates the stimulation of auditory neurons with optical radiation to measure the impedances of cochlear structures and possible current paths for the electrically stimulated cochlea. He also examines new placements and designs of cochlear implant electrodes. Richter is a fellow of the Hugh Knowles Center for Clinical Basic Sciences in Hearing and its Disorders, and much of his research funding is provided by the National Institute of Health, the E.R. Capita Foundation, and the National Science Foundation.
MD/PhD, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Germany