Chuck Larson and his lab study the neural mechanisms controlling the voice and the larynx. They have found that when people hear their own voice through earphones, and when the voice pitch through the earphones is unexpectedly changed upwards or downwards, people automatically adjust the pitch of their voice. This phenomenon indicates that there is a close coupling between the auditory system’s monitoring of voice and the motor system for adjusting the laryngeal system for voice output. Our recent research has focused on the brain mechanisms underlying the interaction between auditory feedback and voice control. We use EEG and fMRI techniques along with connectivity modeling to identify the timing and interactions between the various brain locations involved in these processes.
Lab Affiliation
- PhD Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Washington
- MA Psychology, Arizona State University
- BA Psychology, The Colorado College
- Korzyukov Oleg, Bronder Alexandera, Lee Yunseon, Sona Patel and Larson Charles R. Bioelectrical brain effects of one’s own voice identification in pitch of voice auditory feedback. Neuropsychologia. 2017 July 1; 101: 106–114. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.04.035.
- Price, L.R., Vargas, R.V., Behroozmand, R., Parkinson, A.L., Larson, C.R., Greenlee, J.D.W., and Robin, D.A. Dynamic Connectivity Mapping of Electrocorticographic Data using Bayesian Differential Structural Equation Modeling. Biom Biostat Int J, 4(4):00102. DOI: 10.15406/bbij. 2016.04.00102.
- Behroozmand R, Sangtian S, Korzyukov O, Larson CR. A Temporal Predictive Code for Voice Motor Control: Evidence from ERP and Behavioral Responses to Pitch-shifted Auditory Feedback. Brain Research, Brain Res,2016, Apr 4 1; 1636:1-12. PMID: 26835556, PMCID: PMC4808625.
- Behroozmand R, Oya H, Nourski KV, Kawasaki H, Larson CR, Brugge JF, Howard MA, Greenlee JD. Neural Correlates of Vocal Production and Motor Control in Human Heschl’s Gyrus. J Neurosci. 2016 Feb 17;36(7):2302-15. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3305-14.2016. PMID: 26888939, PMCID: PMC4756159
- Behroozmand R, Ibrahim N, Korzyukov O, Robin DA, Larson CR. Functional role of delta and theta band oscillations for auditory feedback processing during vocal pitch motor control. Frontiers in Neuroscience vol. 9, (2015)
- New AB, Robin DA, Parkinson AL, Eickhoff CR, Reetz K, Hoffstaedter F, Mathys C, Sudmeyer M, Grefkes C, Larson CR, et al. The intrinsic resting state voice network in Parkinson’s disease. Hum Brain Mapp. 2015 May;36(5):1951-62. doi: 10.1002/hbm.22748. Epub 2015 Jan 27. PubMed PMID: 25627959.
- Patel, S., Lodhavia, A., Frankford, S., Korzyukov, O., Larson, C.R. Vocal and neural responses to unexpected changes in voice pitch auditory feedback during register transitions. Journal of Voice, 10.1016/j.jvoice.2015.11.012, 2015.
- Korzyukov, O., Tapaskar, N., Pflieger, M.E., Behroozmand, R., Lodhavia, A., Patel, S., Robin, D., Larson, C. Event related potential study of aberrations in voice control mechanisms in adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 126, Issue 6, p1159–1170, 2015.
- Patel S, Nishimura C, Lodhavia A, Korzyukov O, Parkinson A, Robin DA, Larson CR. Understanding the mechanisms underlying voluntary responses to pitch-shifted auditory feedback. J Acoust Soc Am. 2014 May;135(5):3036-44. doi: 10.1121/1.4870490. PubMed PMID: 24815283; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4032396.
- Behroozmand R, Ibrahim N, Korzyukov O, Robin DA, Larson CR. Left-hemisphere activation is associated with enhanced vocal pitch error detection in musicians with absolute pitch. Brain Cogn. 2014 Feb;84(1):97-108. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2013.11.007. Epub 2013 Dec 18. PubMed PMID: 24355545; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3926098.
- Parkinson AL, Behroozmand R, Ibrahim N, Korzyukov O, Larson CR, Robin DA. Effective connectivity associated with auditory error detection in musicians with absolute pitch. Front Neurosci. 2014 Mar 5;8:46. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2014.00046. eCollection 2014. PubMed PMID: 24634644; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3942878
- Flagmeier SG, Ray KL, Parkinson AL, Li K, Vargas R, Price LR, Laird AR, Larson CR, Robin DA, The neural changes in connectivity of the voice network during voice pitch perturbation, Brain and Language, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bandl.2014.02.001
- Manes JL, Parkinson AL, Larson CR, Greenlee JD, Eickhoff SB, Corcos DM, Robin DA. Connectivity of the subthalamic nucleus and globus pallidus pars interna to regions within the speech network: a meta-analytic connectivity study. Hum Brain Mapp. 2014 Jul;35(7):3499-516. Epub 2013 Nov 25. PubMed PMID: 25050431.
- Parkinson, A.L., Korzyukov, O., Larson, C.R., Litvak, V. Robin, D. Modulation of effective connectivity during vocalization with perturbed auditory feedback. Neuropsychologia, Volume 51, 1471-1480, 2013, PMCID: PMC 3704150, PMID: 23665378.
- Greenlee, J.D.W., Behroozmand, R., Larson, C.R., Jackson, A.W., Chen, F., Hansen, D.R., Oya, H., Kawasaki, H., Howard, M.A. Sensory-motor interactions for vocal pitch monitoring in non-promary human auditory cortex. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0060783, 2013.
- Behroozmand, R., Korzukov, Larson, C.R. ERP Correlates of Pitch Error Detection in Complex Tone and Voice Auditory Feedback with Missing Fundamental, Brain Research, Volume 1448, 89-100, 2012, PMCID: PMC3309166, PMID: 22386045.
- Behroozmand, R., Korzyukov, O., Sattler, L. Larson, C.R. Opposing and following vocal responses to pitch-shifted auditory feedback: Evidence for different mechanisms of voice pitch control. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132(4), 2468-2477, 2012. PMCID: PMC3477187
- Korzyukov, O., Sattler, L., Behrooozmand, R., Larson, C.R. Neuronal mechanisms of voice control are affected by implicit expectancy of externally triggered perturbations in auditory feedback. PLoS ONE 7(7): e41216. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041216, 2012. PMCID PMC3398890
- Liu, H., Wang, E.Q., Metman, L.V., Larson, C.R. Vocal responses to perturbations in voice auditory feedhack in individuals with Parkinson’s disease. PLoS One, 7 (3), 1-10, 2012. PMCID: PMC3308986
- Korzyukov, O., Karvelis, L., Behrozmand, R. and Larson, C.R. ERP correlates of auditory processing during automatic correction of unexpected perturbations in voice auditory feedback. Int. J. of Psychophysiology. Volume 83 (1), 71-78, 2012. PMCID:PMC3309166
- Parkinson, A., Flagmeier, S.G., Manes, J.L. Larson, C.R., Rogers, B., Robin, D.A. Understanding The Neural Mechanisms Involved In Sensory Control Of Voice Production, Neuroimage, Vol 59, Issue 2, 968-978, 2012. PMCID:PMC3342468
- Liu, H., Meshman, M., Behroozmand, R. and Larson, C.R. Differential effects of perturbation direction and magnitude on the neural processing of voice pitch feedback. Clinical Neurophysiology, 122, 951-957, 2011, PMCID: PMC3151676
- Liu, H., Behroozmand, R., Bove, M. and Larson, C.R. Laryngeal electromyographic responses to perturbations in voice pitch auditory feedback. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129 (6), 3946-3954, 2011, PMCID: PMC3135150
- Greenlee, J.W., Jackson, A.W., Chen, F., Larson. C.R., Oya, H., Hiroto, K., Chen, H., Howard, M.A. III. Human auditory cortical activation during self-vocalization. PLOS One, 6, (3), 1-15, 2011, PMID: 21390228
- Behroozmand, R., Liu, H., Larson, C.R. Time-dependent neural processing of auditory feedback during voice pitch error detection. J. Cog. Neurosci. 23 – 5, 1205-1217, 2011. PMCID:PMC3268676
- Behroozmand, R. and Larson, C.R. Error-dependent modulation of speech-induced auditory suppression for pitch-shifted voice feedback. BMC Neuroscience, 12:54, 2011. PMCID 3120724
- Behroozmand, R., Korzyukov, O. and Larson, C.R. Effects of harmonic complexity on ERP responses to pitch-shifted auditory feedback. Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol 122, (12), 2408-2417, 2011. PMCID: PMC3189443
- Liu, H., Auger, J. and Larson, C.R. Voice fundamental frequency modulates vocal response to pitch perturbations during English speech. , J. Acoust. Soc. Am. EL, 127 (1), 2010. PMCID:PMC2803714
- Liu, H., Russo, N.M. and Larson, C.R. Age-related differences in vocal responses to pitch feedback perturbations: A preliminary study. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 127 (2), 1042-1046, 2010. PMCID:PMC2830265
- Liu, H., Behroozmand, R., Larson, C.R. Enhanced neural responses to self-triggered voice pitch feedback perturbations. NeuroReport, 21 (7), 527 – 531, 2010. PMID PMC3564218
- Peng Liu, Zhaocong Chen, Charles Larson, Dongfeng Huang, and Hanjun Liu. Auditory Feedback Control of Voice Fundamental Frequency in School Children. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128 (3), 1306-1312, 2010. PMID:20815465
- Liu, H., Wang, E.Q., Chen, Z., Liu, P., Larson, C.R., Huang, D. Effect of tonal native language on voice fundamental frequency responses to pitch feedback perturbations during sustained vocalizations. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128 (6), 3739-3746, 2010, PMCID: PMC3037774, 2010.
- Liu, H., Xu, Y., Larson, C.R. Attenuation of vocal responses to pitch perturbations during Mandarin speech, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 125, 2299-2306, 2009. PMCID:PMC2677266
- Behroozmand, R., Karvelis, L., Liu, H. and Larson, C. R. Vocalization-induced enhancement of the auditory cortex responsiveness during voice F0 feedback perturbation. Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 120, Issue 7, July 2009, Pages 1303-1312. PMCID:PMC2710429
- Russo, N. M., Larson, C., Kraus, N. Audio-Vocal System Regulation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Exp. Brain Res, 188, 111-2124, 2008. PMCID: PMC2774799
- Larson, C.R., Altman, K.W., Liu, H., Hain. T.C. Interactions between auditory and somatosensory feedback for voice F0 control, Exp. Brain Res, 187, 613-621, 2008. PMCID:PMC2763543
Awards and Honors
- 2008 ASHA Zemlin Award
- 2005 ASG Honor Roll
- 2002 ASG Faculty Honor Roll
Grants and Funding
- 2014-2018 R03. Understanding the Voice Control System in Parkinson’s Disease
- 2009-2011 NIH, ARRA award, Sensory Mechanisms of Voice Control
- 2009-2011 NIH, ARRA award, Sensory Mechanisms of Voice Control
- 2009-2014 NIH. Sensory Mechanisms of Voice Control, Direct Costs
- 2004-2009 NIH. Sensory Mechanisms of Voice Control, Direct Costs
- CSD 112 Scientific Exploration of Communication
- CSD 202 Biological Foundations of Human Communication
- CSD 301 Anatomy and Physiology of the Vocal Mechanism
- CSD 320 Physiologic Instrumentation
- CSD 551 Topics in Communication Sciences and Disorders