The Department of Communication Studies explores the panoply of theories, experiences, practices, and problems of a communication-intensive society. Students work with concepts from the humanities and the social sciences and employ a wide range of research and design technologies and methods.
Coursework also emphasizes the analytical and ethical requirements of responsible scholarship. Both required and elective courses prepare students for personal success and civic leadership through informed and ethical communication teaching and research in and for a a rapidly evolving and complex landscape.
The Department of Communication Studies is committed to the cultivation of a learning environment where all perspectives are recognized, respected, and seen as sources of collegiality and strength. We expect that students, faculty, administrators, and staff will respect differences and demonstrate diligence in understanding how other peoples' perspectives, behaviors, and worldviews may be different from their own. The department eembraces the position that our intellectual community is enriched and enhanced by the full participation of its students. The department values the intersections of these experiences and characteristics in our community.

What can you do with a degree in Communication Studies?
Our goal is to prepare students to take their place as responsible leaders, engaged citizens, and pioneering problem-solvers in their communities and chosen fields of work.
Students in Communication Studies learn to evaluate and produce communicative texts that adapt to changing situations and audiences. As a result, the undergraduate curriculum in this major rigorously prepares students for future work and study in any number of diverse fields, such as law, political organizing and public affairs, marketing, advertising, public relations, consulting and many others.
Communication Studies Faculty
Student Experience
Communication Studies is the perfect major for students with multiple interests and diverse talents because the discipline provides theory, tools, and techniques for analyzing, managing and improving communication in every arena of professional and personal interaction.
Why Northwestern?
Jean Sanders
Communication Studies major Jean Sanders wanted a degree that provided pre-professional skills with a broad, well-rounded curriculum. She combined her School of Communication degree with a Certificate in Integrated Marketing Communication from Medill.
“Communication Studies classes are all super different, so I’m always interested in what I’m learning and it’s never repetitive. ”

Featured Course
The Sociology of Online News
The content and organization of this seminar reflect the fast-moving character of the sociology of online news, emphasizing recent texts but grounding their interpretation in longstanding debates in the sociology of traditional media.